I'm typing this with one hand. Fairly soon my parents will be here to take me to the orthopedic surgeon. It seems that when you fly without an airplane you are doomed to crash land, especially when are thrown off the back of an ATV. Fortunately, all I broke was one wrist....badly. I've quite a few bruises too and my neck was slightly sprained. I landed about a third of the way down a ravine while my friend the driver landed at the bottom after rolling several times with the ATV. He broke his hand and has some cuts and scrapes. We are very lucky our injuries weren't worse. We had to walk out of this mountainous desert area at least a third of a mile before we got a ride to the medics station. We were at the Terlingua International Chili Cookoff. The ambulance ride took over 1 1/2 hours to the nearest hospital in Alpine where we were seen by a nurse practioner.
More on the cookoff later....and pictures!
More on the cookoff later....and pictures!
At 11:22 AM,
Melissa said…
Aw, Mom! You went to the cook off to win and to eat! Not to get hurt! I meant to call you this weekend but I was overwhelmed with a surprise birthday party for Shane and then later a headache, so I forgot to call. I'll call soon!
At 10:23 AM,
Melissa said…
Still waiting for the pictures.... Hope you're doing better now.
At 3:15 PM,
ggranny36 said…
I just looked at your blog after reading the girls. I really liked the pictures they are great. We really like west Texas when we were there after your wedding. I still need to get Betsy's blog. Ill try in yours.
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