Ain't gonna move no more, no more...
Every time I move I get rid of lots of things. I donate clothing and other items to charity, have a yard sale, and trash what is no longer useful. Why is it then that the next time I move I have to do this all over again!
I'm thinking there must be a mathematical formula something like this:
aT(5 J - 3 J) = 2J41 when J = junk, T = time, a = any amount
(2J41 is the only way I could manage to portray 2 times J to the power of 41)
For those who do not know, my husband and I have decided to downsize for awhile. We will be moving into a fifth-wheel trailer. It is a 38 footer from EnduraMax Wide Open. This requires that we 1) get rid of lots of stuff and 2) find storage units for the rest. Let's just say that we have been stirring up a lot of dust at home getting ready for the move! Eventually we hope to buy some land and build a house that will be less susceptible to influences of termites and shifting of the ground, in other words it will have a metal frame, be pretreated for termites, and have foundation stabilizing technology in place...oh...and be in the country of course. For the time being we will be living in Parker, Texas, which is a country town surrounded by Plano, Allen, Lucas, Wylie, and Murphy. The population in 2000 was a mere 1379 but has risen considerably due to a couple of subdivisions. Remember the Southfork Ranch from the television show Dallas? We will be living across the street from there...high class neighborhood...
At 8:50 AM,
ggranny36 said…
Since I knew you updated because you did it at our house. I get to be the first to comment on this. Who knows where stuff comes from! It just appears one day. We still should get rid of some stuff. I grew up with parents that didn't keep things. When mother died there ways very little for daddy to do but let mother's sisters have what they wanted. Then he gave away what he did not want and he down sized even more when he moved to Fla. Then he moved in with us and after he died I gave away his bedroom set to friends who lost everything in Hurricane Charlie and the sofa we got from Dean and Martha. Clothes went to Good Will. I think my children will have a lot to get rid of from all our treasures. Ha Ha. Will Shady Lady get all done by time to move. Who knows? It gets hard as the time to be done arrives so fast. As you girls know just getting Golda moved last year. I'm glad it is not me. From 2002 to 2005 we moved three times. Enough for me too. I am here to stay I hope. Love to you and get it done. Then you can relax.
At 9:12 PM,
Golda said…
I got rid of a TON of stuff last May when I moved here to Knoxville! And I think I have already accumulated enough stuff here to make up for what i got rid of in Waco. I saw on yahoo news today an article about a woman who is selling just about everything she owns on ebay in one single auction in order to move and live simply. Sounds like a good plan to me.
At 7:49 PM,
Allie said…
I hate moving! ugh! next month I'm gona be moving into the sorority house. Yeah its not moving to a different state or town but I still have to pack everything up from my itty bitty room. AND also at the same time I'm sure I'll get kidnapped or dragged over to Cory and Michelles place to help them pack too seeing how they're both graduating.
On a different note though, I tried to call you back on Sunday but seeing how i conviently lost my phone AGAIN I had troubles doing so seeing how I couldn't get ahold of any of my lovely sisters (Betsy and Melissa (Sorry golda I don't know your number by heart))but unfortuantely neither answered so I'll try again next time I see Cory before your bedtime and your outa school.
At 2:59 PM,
shadylady said…
The temptation to open the doors and say take it all has definitely been tempting. But then there is the antique secrectary/curio cabinet and the wardrobe and the pots and pans that we don't want to have to rebuy and the collections and...and...and...
At 9:37 AM,
Melissa said…
So, the next time you visit you'll just bring your new home, right? Hehe. Can't wait to see it! I looks so different from other RV's, if it's like what I saw on the RV show on HGTV that day I called you.
At 10:43 AM,
ggranny36 said…
It does look alot like the one on HGTV. It is really nice. Have to keep up all the housework because everything has it's own place. One day we too will have to get rid of a lot of things we brought to Texas with us. Even more than we already did. I wish I was more like my mother and daddy, they did not keep things. That is hard to do.
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