
A shady spot on the web for me to ponder whatever I wish to ponder...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Please release me let me go.....

After eight weeks of physical therapy I am now free to choose how to spend my evenings after work!!! I am also a real believer in the benefits of physical therapy. When I started I could not move my wrist at all and any attempt was met with severe pain. After 3 1/2 weeks of therapy the doctor allowed me to start using the hand again. The next morning I dropped my toothbrush. Now I have almost complete range of motion and can almost easily curl a 3 pound weight. Don't laugh. The one pound weight was a huge struggle just to hold and do wrist flexes with just a couple of weeks ago. I'm still restricted to lifting only up to 5 pounds. I looked a bit silly pulling a wagon with about 15 books today. I usually carry a lot more than that in my arms. I did learn one important thing during therapy. Physical therapists must be bonifide sadists prior to beginning training. They inflict pain without batting an eye. I found a voodoo doll quite useful and have passed mine off to a friend who is seeing the same therapist. (Don't worry Vernon....the doll is cursed so that it will only give the same pain that the user receives from you....)

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