
A shady spot on the web for me to ponder whatever I wish to ponder...

Friday, August 31, 2007

Shady X Four

I've been meaning to write on this topic for some time now, about how proud I am of my beautiful four daughters. They are each beautiful both inside and out. I'm not exaggerating, no motherly bias here...nope...not one bit....the facts are just the facts.

Daughter number one, Melissa, has taken the world by storm. To her credit are the wise choices she has made along the way to that big three-oh birthday she celebrated this summer. Melissa is a modern day multi-tasking woman as she mothers, works, and is involved in community and church.

Daughter number two, Betsy, has been a storm of her own since the days of childhood. Named in part for a hurricane I experienced as a child, Betsy brings a special joy and energy to everything she encounters. Betsy's nurturing nature has been felt by all who know her.

Daughter number three, Golda, will change the world. Golda has an innate ability to see and tackle problems that many are afraid to admit exist. She is a champion and a believer in dreams.

Daughter number four, Allie, also known as Alex, once played the role of Fairy Godmother in Cinderella. I believe she would bestow goodness upon us all if it were within her power. Her smile alone is enough to light the world.

But what makes me the most proud is the sisterly love they have for each other. They give each other support, guidance, and comfort. They celebrate each others accomplishments. They are the quintessential example of what sisterhood and family should be. They are the joys and pride of my life.

Okay....perhaps a bit of motherly bias....!
(Note: picture is a few years old...Melissa, Allie, Betsy, Golda)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Perceptions on Twelve Days

Not all hospitals are created equal. Zale-Lipshy was at one time a private hospital built with the newest technology in 1989. It is now a university hospital as part of the UT Southwerstern Medical Center. Next door is Parkland Memorial Hospital a taxpayer financed hospital. Also, adjacent to both Zale-Lipshy and Parkland is Children's Medical Center. All three hospitals provide excellent care. During my husband's stay at Zale-Lipshy I decide to stretch my legs and check out the other hospitals. I was amazed at the great difference in ambience between the three.

Zale-Lipshy, with spacious uncrowded carpeted hallways has a feeling of peace and comfort. Every patient room (as well as hallways and other areas) is decorated with a unique Asian textile donated by The Eugene McDermott Foundation. There are over 350 museum quality textiles.

Children's, designed with the child in mind, has a huge trainscape in the front entry area. The hallways are brightly decorated. A window view into the hospital pharmacy allows one to observe a robotic arm at work. Wagons are available for patience transport.

Accessible by tunnel to both the other hospitals yet a world away is Parkland. With twisting uncarpeted hallways (in the areas that I saw) I found myself confused and lost even with plenty of signage. The waiting areas held the typical crowds one sees in television hospital scenes. An attached McDonalds is very busy no matter the hour. If I did not know of Parkland's outstanding reputation, first impressions would worry me.

Perceptions can be strong. It is important to look beyond to see the whole picture.