
A shady spot on the web for me to ponder whatever I wish to ponder...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

shadylady, second place, over and over

My show is a success! Or at least a second place success. I took second place twice last weekend and again today. My main show is "shadylady the famous author". During this show I have my booth decorated in browns and leopard print. While wearing a leopard print shirt and hat, I walk around introducing myself to people and hand out copies of my latest book. I've written two so far. I also do book signings. Last weekend on Sunday I followed-up by wearing my "library police" outfit and went around asking people if they had seen a shady lady lurking about who passes out little books. Then I do surveillance on her booth. I have a small flashlight that has a siren which is very handy. I've decided not to post my books online. I'm certain they will be collector items sometime . . . when I become a very very famous author instead of just a famous author. Should you want copies of the books, just let me know and I will email them posthaste. I'm sorry but I won't be able to send autographed copies by mail as I am sure that the demand would far outpace my abilities to sign...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Grazing wild peppers!

Having never seen wild peppers grazing in the grass, I could not resist taking a picture. Lucky for me, I had my handy camera phone in my pocket. Wild peppers are very rare. Unfortunately, they are prone to attack by larger animals. Dogs are a natural enemy and have been known to snatch them as they feed on the delicate grasslands of north Texas.

The wild peppers pictured were part of a wonderful "show" during a chili cook-off this weekend. Longjohn Chili is an imaginative new chili team. Their show includes: a display in the grass of animals made from long green peppers, carrots, mushrooms, and other assorted vegetables; jars of "moonshine" with various vegetables colorfully being "pickled" in the juice, also scattered in the grass; various odds and ends on tables that I didn't get a close look at due to the wild peppers nearby; and creative costuming that includes, of course, red longjohns. I'd wish them luck in the show competitions but 1) they won't need luck and 2) I'm competing against them and know I will always be in their shadow when they are near, not a bad place for a shadylady though....

Monday, February 05, 2007

Once upon a time...

I have been deliberating of late as to exactly what direction I want to go with my "show" for chili cook 0ffs. I had basically decided that I would do storytelling with a chili theme, but soon realized this would not work in all venues. The noise level during indoor cook offs make it near impossible to accomplish storytelling. Cook-offs held during the cold of winter would deter an audience from staying still long enough to hear a story. I came up with a compromise this weekend. I have a "library raid" outfit. It looks similar to the t-shirts, windbreakers and hats worn by various law enforcement agencies. The lettering simply says LIBRARY. I purchased a set of brown vintage-look cases this weekend during a silent auction. These will be my traveling cases and will hold the outfit, a few old books, and many copies of a special tiny book for give-aways. I'm writing a special story for this purpose. I'll share the story once I have finished the editing process....