
A shady spot on the web for me to ponder whatever I wish to ponder...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ya gotta roll with the punches...or something like that

As I mentioned to a friend recently: "When it rains it pours, but this time I feel a flood a-coming!" Here are some recent happenings...reasons why I haven't had time to put my myriad of thoughts down:
1) Moved.
2) Had electrical problems at the new place the first time we plugged in and had to put trailer/home into the shop (that was two weeks ago...).
3) Temporarily moved back into the old place which is a mess and almost furniture-less.
4) Husband hurt back at work.
5) Took husband to ER for back....problems ongoing...
6) Had moving sale.
7) Last week of school year....have to work hardest this week closing shop in the library.
8) Forgot to send in jury duty notice to say I moved. (Hopefully they will like my letter I sent today.)
9) Trailer/home still in shop.
10) Hubby still in bed with bad back. (Thank goodness we hadn't gotten rid of the bed already!)

The good news.....summer starts in two days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be doing a happy dance that day!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


I'm sure I have something to say.....but I can't think of what it is just now. I haven't forgotten about the blog. 'Tis the moving chores that have me bogged down...and lack of internet access at home. Stay tuned....I'll be back shortly!