shadylady, second place, over and over
My show is a success! Or at least a second place success. I took second place twice last weekend and again today. My main show is "shadylady the famous author". During this show I have my booth decorated in browns and leopard print. While wearing a leopard print shirt and hat, I walk around introducing myself to people and hand out copies of my latest book. I've written two so far. I also do book signings. Last weekend on Sunday I followed-up by wearing my "library police" outfit and went around asking people if they had seen a shady lady lurking about who passes out little books. Then I do surveillance on her booth. I have a small flashlight that has a siren which is very handy. I've decided not to post my books online. I'm certain they will be collector items sometime . . . when I become a very very famous author instead of just a famous author. Should you want copies of the books, just let me know and I will email them posthaste. I'm sorry but I won't be able to send autographed copies by mail as I am sure that the demand would far outpace my abilities to sign...